Bad News Bears (1976) - Baseball

Both new and experienced fantasy league commissioners ultimately want the same things. Commissioners need tools, tools which are easy to use, reliable and can be customized. And they need reliable service, which will keep their team owners happy and coming back.
In the commissioners shopping list, you will be looking for:
1. Economical league hosting.
2. League management software that works and is reliable.
3. Software that is easy for commissioners to use.
4. Set up league schedule, which can be done automatically or manually.
5. Live scoring updates for team owners
6. Flexible scoring rules which can be customized to your wishes.
7. Ability to have drafts online or offline.
8. Support for Keeper and Dynasty Leagues; Survivor and Roto Leagues
9. Ability to customize the look of your league with multiple layouts and color selections.
10. Fast, reliable e-mail support for any technical support questions or issues
11. Many report options for your team owners
12. League accounting tools for tracking who has paid their annual fee. Also gives you the option to charge for adds, waives, trades, IRs, sending to the Minors, and activating a player. This can add to the commissioners bottom line!
13. Private message board and league news for your league only.
14. Salaries & Contracts
15. Auction/Worst To First
16. Prerank Players
And for your team owners, you will want to have available:
1. Software which is easy for new team owners to use
2. Live stats and scores.
3. Automatic scoring and league results
4. Many reports options.
5. Private message board and league news for league only. Ability to upload pictures with news postings.
6. Player News
7. Mobile Phone Team Manager
8. Pre-Rank Players
This may look like a daunting list of criteria. There are lots of commissioner fantasy league sites out there, and many are very good. Check out the features they offer, and test drive the league setup and rule customization. Test their customer support by emailing them some questions. Do they respond quickly and courteously?
Once you do some careful searching, you should be able to find a good home for your fantasy sport league. One good home for your fantasy sports league is They offer fantasy leagues for football, basketball, hockey, baseball and NASCAR. The owners of have been involved with fantasy sports leagues for over 20 years. They are dedicated to providing you with a fun, reliable fantasy league home.
S. Hanson writes and manages the Sports Nuts Blog About blog site for
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